Rivers Ave in Chicopee
Click on a property below to view additional details.
Undevelopable Residential Land - 0 RIVERS AVE
Potentially Developable Residential Land - 11 RIVERS AVE
Two-Family Residential - 114 RIVERS AVE
Three-Family Residential - 118 RIVERS AVE
Three-Family Residential - 30 RIVERS AVE
Two-Family Residential - 34 RIVERS AVE
Local Use Code Variation For Tracking And Administrative Purposes, Same As "1110. - 36 RIVERS AVE
Local Use Code Variation For Tracking And Administrative Purposes, Same As "1110. - 42 RIVERS AVE
Single Family Residential - 52 RIVERS AVE
Local Use Code Variation For Tracking And Administrative Purposes, Same As "1110. - 62 RIVERS AVE
Apartments With Four To Eight Units - 65 RIVERS AVE
Two-Family Residential - 76 RIVERS AVE
Single Family Residential - 79 RIVERS AVE
Single Family Residential - 82 RIVERS AVE
Local Use Code Variation For Tracking And Administrative Purposes, Same As "1110. - 85 RIVERS AVE
Two-Family Residential - 88 RIVERS AVE
Local Use Code Variation For Tracking And Administrative Purposes, Same As "1110. - 91 RIVERS AVE
Single Family Residential - 92 RIVERS AVE
Three-Family Residential - 93 RIVERS AVE
Three-Family Residential - 96 RIVERS AVE
Three-Family Residential - 97 RIVERS AVE
Three-Family Residential